When it comes consumer electronics, women just don't get it.
In 2007, the Consumer Electronics Associated reported that women outspent men on wireless gadgets and gizmos - $55 billion vs. $41 billion.
Women don’t purchase real estate unless they part of a couple or have a family.
The latest statistics from the National Board of Realtors show that in the last two years, 22 percent of all home purchases were made by single women.
Women aren’t into sports cars.
60% of BMW Z4 drivers are women.
Women can’t stand videogames.
World of Warcraft, the mecca of global online gaming, reports that 30% of its ten million members are women.
If you find these truths to be surprising, what is it about your industry and female consumers that you aren’t aware of yet? Are women a larger part of your market than you previously believed? Food for thought methinks.