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Yvonne DiVita

Yvonne DiVita (who is bringing Tom Collins, the significant other, NOT the drink) is so excited about this...she might wet her pants! Okay, she will contain herself.

To give some kudos to Michele and Holly's new book...I'm speaking in Toronto next week and I'll be waving that book around throughout the presentation. It's a must read if you're really serious about the women's market.

One of the best things about it, besides the content, is the voice... Michele and Holly demonstrate their advice by writing in a voice that connects - friendly, informative, and approachable.

Are you any, no...ALL...of those? Women want you to be...really.

Cya at Wizard Academy!

Dave Young

Have fun Yvonne! I've taken the class twice. (I'm a slow learner.)

Is this your first trip to Wizard Academy?

Teresa Morrow

Congratulations to you and Holly in regards to the success of the book. It is such a wonderfully informative book.


Teresa Morrow

Wayne Hurlbert

It was my pleasure to interview Michele and Holly on my show. They combined a fun presentation with some powerful information on marketing to women that is vital to any marketing program. I highly recommend their book The Soccer Mon Myth as the go to textbook for marketing to women. All my best on your continued success and top of the best seller lists sales for this must read book.

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