I’ll be on the road again starting Thursday for about 2 ½ weeks and will definitely be posting from hotel rooms (and my mother’s living room!) but thought I’d drop a few tidbits on the doorstep before I go:
A big shout-out to all of you who have supported The Soccer Mom Myth through your purchases, reviews, and interviews. You have made all the difference, and both Holly and I are humbled by your friendship. It’s been great so far – the book sat on Amazon’s “Top 20 Marketing Books” for a bit, and the reviews and interviews keep coming. Late-night Google searches show the book has even made the “personals” column on Craigslist, as a lovelorn reader’s “book I’m reading now.” Hey, we’ll take it any way we can get it!
Holly and I had the great pleasure of spending an hour on BlogTalkRadio with host and colleague Wayne Hurlburt of Blog Business Success. We had a great time talking about marketing to women and the book – download it to your iPod for a listen.
Only three seats remain for the next WonderBranding seminar at Wizard Academy in Austin on April 22nd and 23rd. I’m very excited about this class because of the wildly varied business and terrific people who’ll be attending. Yvonne Divita will be there… will you? You couldn’t ask for a better deal, including a beautiful room and delicious food and drink. Once you attend Wizard Academy, you’re hooked…
That’s all for now. I’ll be in touch soon with more news and ideas on marketing to women. Till next we meet… enjoy each day, travel safely, and don’t forget to tip your waitress.
Yvonne DiVita (who is bringing Tom Collins, the significant other, NOT the drink) is so excited about this...she might wet her pants! Okay, she will contain herself.
To give some kudos to Michele and Holly's new book...I'm speaking in Toronto next week and I'll be waving that book around throughout the presentation. It's a must read if you're really serious about the women's market.
One of the best things about it, besides the content, is the voice... Michele and Holly demonstrate their advice by writing in a voice that connects - friendly, informative, and approachable.
Are you any, no...ALL...of those? Women want you to be...really.
Cya at Wizard Academy!
Posted by: Yvonne DiVita | April 09, 2008 at 08:40 AM
Have fun Yvonne! I've taken the class twice. (I'm a slow learner.)
Is this your first trip to Wizard Academy?
Posted by: Dave Young | April 15, 2008 at 10:40 AM
Congratulations to you and Holly in regards to the success of the book. It is such a wonderfully informative book.
Teresa Morrow
Posted by: Teresa Morrow | April 16, 2008 at 08:20 PM
It was my pleasure to interview Michele and Holly on my show. They combined a fun presentation with some powerful information on marketing to women that is vital to any marketing program. I highly recommend their book The Soccer Mon Myth as the go to textbook for marketing to women. All my best on your continued success and top of the best seller lists sales for this must read book.
Posted by: Wayne Hurlbert | April 24, 2008 at 02:26 PM