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Kyle King

Telling it "straight up" is also refreshing!

Nicole appears to be one of those distinct people who just adds value, and obviously resonates with your trajectory... a natural fit.

Do you think that as the market "gets" that women are a deciding factor in most transactions (85% of the market's buying power), that the methods of relating and providing for one and other will win out?

Twenty years ago I had a dream that "world peace" would occur through commerce. At the time, I was a young "hippy" sort, distributing natural foods (before it was so popular) and very opposed to what my dream said, at least on a conscious level. It went against my beliefs then (Reagan era, ya know). But, I trusted that it was true. I had no idea that that commerce would occur within the loving hands of women. I'm beginning to get pretty excited about it all.

This post points to the value to relationship, consideration, adding value, and providing without an expectation for anything, just a belief that it all comes back to us.

Keep it up Michelle, I often lurk but you are completely refreshing and brilliant!


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