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Holly Buchanan


Just messin' with you on the dancing. I'm the last person who should throw the first stone in that department.

As a close friend once said to me one night after dancing at a club, "You know Holly, there's a fine line between shaking your groove thing and having a butt spasm."

Hey - I had fun - that's all that matters.


Chris Busch

We all had fun, and we all learned a lot.

It was a great two days for me and two of my buds from BMC. I think it may even help me here at home (where I am constantly marketing myself to my wife).

Some of these ideas are so intuitive that you wonder, "Why didn't I think of that?" But, I didn't and that's why I'm glad I went to WonderBranding.

Dinner at Trulucks with Michele and Holly was decidedly the bomb. Now that I'm "certified", as Dave Young puts it, I feel like my potential to wreak havoc on the mindsets of clients and coworkers has been multiplied.

So a-wreaking I will go!

Thank you Michele and Holly!

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