I made one of the most brilliant decisions of my life when I invited Holly Buchanan to share teaching duties with me in Austin this past week. I knew we'd do well together, but wasn't prepared to be blown away. We not only click with a natural groove - by the 2nd day we were so on fire I'm surprised the fire marshall didn't show up. Holly's insights into marketing to women online and the effects of technology on the future were beyond fantastic.
The class participants who came together for the WonderBranding seminar were terrific people - smart, interesting and dedicated to learning about marketing to women (including Greg, who conquered a migraine to be there for the second day). Rather than get into what we covered here, be sure to check out Holly's post on her experience in Austin.
This group dove into the deep end with some heady stuff and the synergy of brainpower was off the map. Much of what we discussed had to do with the willingness to take chances - then Roy Williams threw his hat into the ring and it was, as I sometimes put things when I'm in awe, "plain ridiculous." My head still hurts from all the thought particles flying around the room.
Holly says it all - and I have to agree with her about everything. Well, almost everything. She seems to think I dance like Elaine on Seinfeld.
The official class photo for The Java Drinking Jesus Freaks will be posted in the near future. Holly and I are already planning dates for the next WonderBranding seminar in the fall. Will you be there?
Just messin' with you on the dancing. I'm the last person who should throw the first stone in that department.
As a close friend once said to me one night after dancing at a club, "You know Holly, there's a fine line between shaking your groove thing and having a butt spasm."
Hey - I had fun - that's all that matters.
Posted by: Holly Buchanan | March 18, 2006 at 07:09 PM
We all had fun, and we all learned a lot.
It was a great two days for me and two of my buds from BMC. I think it may even help me here at home (where I am constantly marketing myself to my wife).
Some of these ideas are so intuitive that you wonder, "Why didn't I think of that?" But, I didn't and that's why I'm glad I went to WonderBranding.
Dinner at Trulucks with Michele and Holly was decidedly the bomb. Now that I'm "certified", as Dave Young puts it, I feel like my potential to wreak havoc on the mindsets of clients and coworkers has been multiplied.
So a-wreaking I will go!
Thank you Michele and Holly!
Posted by: Chris Busch | March 19, 2006 at 08:39 PM