I think I'm starting to get a complex.
One year ago, I purchased a 17-inch Powerbook G4 - love it, love it, love it. In fact, I'm still apologizing to my husband for giving him grief all those years when he was a Mac Head and I steadfastly stuck to PC's.
I have been on the hunt for a cool, hip carrying case that is stylish, slightly feminine, yet professional. Oh, those bags exist... just not for the 17-inch Powerbook. It seems only humans with an inordinate amount of testosterone carry the 17-inch, because the cases that do exist are all BLACK... and look like they belong to an accountant. Booor-ing.
It has to be more than just one of those sleeve-type cases... I need room for cables, plugs, etc.
I find some hot looking bag, only to read the description, which ALWAYS says, "Good for laptops up to 15 inches." Yaaaggh!! I'm starting to have flashbacks to cramped dressing rooms in department stores...I find a cute skirt, try it on, and find my butt is too big to even get the skirt zipped up.
Could someone PLEASE recognize that us gals use the "big toys" too, and give us something to help flaunt it?