Thanks to everyone who responded to my recent shout-out to Chicago, looking for gals to join a "girl party" conversation group as part of an exciting consumer research project for a major retailer. The two groups filled up quicker than you can say, "Windy City."
Guess what? We're on the hunt again! Same project, and I need women in the Chicagoland area that meet the following criteria:
- Age 50+
- Kids have moved out of the household
- Working part or full time
- Some comfort level with technology (i.e., computers, digital cameras...)
Do you fit the bill? Do you have a mom/friend/colleague who does? We need to fill these groups ASAP - projected dates for the events are November 14 - 16.
Participants will be compensated. If you'd be interested in hosting an event in your home, there's a bonus compensation.
Email me, people! These are going to be fun and will help businesses understand you better from the inside out!